Nintendo 64 Action Games

Gauntlet Legends
3679 Plays
Nintendo 64
PD Ultraman Battle Collection 64
3490 Plays
Fighting Force 64
5205 Plays
Nintendo 64
Deadly Arts
3230 Plays
Nintendo 64
Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense
3875 Plays
10691 Plays
Nintendo 64
Zelda No Densetsu - Mujura No Kamen
4345 Plays
Chopper Attack
3247 Plays
Nintendo 64
WWF - War Zone
9467 Plays
Nintendo 64
Road Rash 64
7675 Plays
Nintendo 64
Duke Nukem - ZER0 H0UR
3295 Plays
Turok - Rage Wars
3506 Plays
Nintendo 64
Pocket Monsters Stadium GS
4072 Plays
Rakuga Kids
4197 Plays
Nintendo 64
64 Oozumou
1933 Plays
Nintendo 64
Star Wars - Teikoku No Kage
4831 Plays
Quake II
9932 Plays
Nintendo 64
Super Robot Taisen 64
3487 Plays
Nintendo 64
Quake 64
7094 Plays
Nintendo 64
Command & Conquer
5373 Plays
Nintendo 64
BattleTanx - Global Assault
5617 Plays
WCW Mayhem
5542 Plays
Nintendo 64
Batman Beyond - Return Of The Joker
5016 Plays
Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon
3425 Plays
SD Hiryuu No Ken Densetsu
2910 Plays
WCW-nWo Revenge
32712 Plays
Nintendo 64
Pocket Monsters Stadium 2
3944 Plays
G.A.S.P Fighter's NEXTream
2784 Plays
Perfect Dark
11218 Plays
Nintendo 64
G.A.S.P Fighter's NEXTream
2934 Plays