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TheGamer Originals

We Were Here Forever’s Weirdest Puzzle Deserves An Award

  • PRG

Game of the Year 2022 belongs to Elden Ring. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. That entire discussion is now pointless. There have been other good games, and there will be more good games, but there can only be one Game of the Year, and Elden Ring is it. This doesn’t mean the rest of the games don’t matter, it just means we need to change the conversation. If Best Game is locked down, then let’s talk about some other Bests. What was the Best sound you heard? Which game had the best dialogue? We can still give credit where it’s due, and I have a nomination of my own. I think there should be an award for Best Puzzle, and We Were Here Forever’s Guardian Puzzle should win it.

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