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TheGamer Originals

Venba Preview

  • PRG

Venba was the shortest game I played from the Tribeca Game Selection last weekend. We had half an hour with each game, but Oxenfree and Venba were the only two I finished in that time. With Cuphead, I reached the final stage and was half an inch away from the end of the boss’ health bar, so had I been a real gamer and not a stinking game journalist, I might have been able to throw that in the ‘completed it, mate’ pile. While Oxenfree took around 25 minutes, almost the entire session, I was done with Venba in ten. It’s important to stress this for two reasons. Firstly, I want to be upfront about how little of the game I have seen, but also, even with the most limited playtime, Venba had the richest impact on me.

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