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TheGamer Originals

Revisiting Kanto – Fuchsia City Is Pokemon’s Most Peaceful And Most Pathetic Town

  • PRG

Insert Kanto Column intro paragraph version #12… oops, I mean, um… Welcome back fearless explorers to yet another adventure through the wondrous world of Kanto. For the past few months, I have been exploring Pokemon Blue’s Kanto week by week, taking it one town at a time, trying to see the world as a tourist to better understand why this place means so much to me. I’m still battling and getting badges (I need to progress, after all), but the focus is the location itself. This week, fresh off the vastly underrated Silence Bridge, we head to Fuchsia City. If you’ve been with me from the start, glad to have you back and sorry that I force you through the same explanation each week. If you’re a brand new reader, hop aboard and feel free to check out the journey so far right here. With that, let’s dive in.

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