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Pokemon Needs To Play With Its Balls More

  • PRG

I wrote recently about my love of balls. Big round things that dangle as you run, and if you stroke them just right, the good stuff comes out. I’m talking, of course, about the Poke Balls that trainers keep around their waist, and the wholesome Pokemon that pop out when you give the shiny red balls a stroke. I argued at the time that Pokemon Go needed more of them – we only have the increasingly effective but otherwise dull Poke Ball, Great Ball, and Ultra Ball, as well as the Poke Ball reskin of a Premium Ball. We don’t even have the Quick Ball, despite the game having a Quick Ball bug. It still seems like Go could stand to have more balls in its life, but as we look ahead to Scarlet & Violet, it’s becoming clear that Pokemon needs to give its balls more respect.

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