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The Soul Reaver community is buzzing after Crystal Dynamics survey returns 100,000 replies

  • PRG

Back in May, Square Enix sold Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montreal, and Square Enix Montreal to the Embracer Group in a deal said to be worth $300 million. In doing so, Square Enix gave up around 50 games across its back catalog, including the rights to everything from Tomb Raider to Thief, Deus-Ex, and Legacy of Kain. The implications of that deal were, and still are, huge. And while all I really want is a Soul Reaver remaster in the middle of things, I’m far from alone – GamesRadar+ Senior Guides Coordinator Leon Hurley makes a strong case here for why a Soul Reaver Remake is the perfect way to bring the series back on PS5.  

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