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The Outlast Trials has more gore than a slasher film and the potential to change the horror genre

  • PRG

In The Outlast Trials, I’ve been gagged and dragged into a dirty operating theater. To my right, a man with lacerated limbs whimpers at the hands of a doctor crushing his skull. To my left, a surgeon cuts open another screaming patient with a circular saw. Ahead, a nurse approaches, tells me the Murkoff Corporation has obtained my public and private records, and demands that I consent to the company’s surveillance as she injects a strange brown liquid straight into my eye. The nurse is then joined by a helper, whose apron looks better suited to an abattoir than a hospital, and the pair drill through my skull, forcibly securing a rusted night vision headset onto my face. Whether you’re keen on the horror genre or not, you’ll know within the first five minutes of The Outlast Trials if this game is for you. 

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