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Dredge Review: “A fascinating, ever-so-gently horrifying experience”

  • PRG

Sometimes, Dredge is just a normal fishing game. On a clear day, you can putter from port to port, dangling a rod into the depths or trawling a net through the waves, perhaps searching for a specific fish, or hoping you pull up a perfect specimen to sell for a little extra cash. You can use a telescope to scope out your next catch, or even go searching shipwrecks for long-lost trinkets. You can use what money you scrape together to maintain your crab pots, or buy a new outboard motor, or patch a hole in your hull. You go to bed when it gets dark, wake up the moment it gets light, and head out for another day on the sea. And you have to be safely docked once the sun sets, because there are things that lurk in the darkness that you don’t ever want to stumble across.

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