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Sonic Frontiers review: “No sense of momentum whatsoever”

  • PRG

There’s certainly a lot to do in Sonic Frontiers. God, there’s so much. Just about every inch of this open world (or ‘open zone’, as developer Sonic Team is keen to call it) is packed with content. Every conceivable activity is shoved in here, almost as if a hat had been passed around the office asking for gameplay donations; you’ve got the herding of small critters, a bizarrely punishing and glitchy pinball game, and an Ikaruga-like shoot-’em-up with the most basic visual design you’ve ever seen – and it’s all mandatory. When Sonic Frontiers isn’t stringing you along to see what odd design choice will be made next, both the story and level design go to great lengths to remind you that you could be playing almost any other Sonic game and be having a much better time.

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