Gba Adventure Games

Pokemon Cloud White
31257 Plays
Game Boy Advance
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
307522 Plays
A Sound of Thunder
135022 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Rugrats - Go Wild
37858 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Phil of the Future
23207 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Onimusha Tactics
20770 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Pokemon Dark Rising 2
138585 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Pokemon Ruby Destiny - Reign of Legends
51151 Plays
Hey Arnold! - The Movie
15964 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Madagascar - Operation Penguin
10810 Plays
Hugo - The Evil Mirror Advance
8937 Plays
Scooby-Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed
15640 Plays
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
16146 Plays
The Fairly OddParents! - Breakin' da Rules
11266 Plays
Pocky & Rocky with Becky
5491 Plays
Game Boy Advance
The Polar Express
8918 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghostfiles - Spirit Detective
9750 Plays
The Legend of Spyro - The Eternal Night
21599 Plays
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest
10980 Plays
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
24621 Plays
Pokemon Uranium
133562 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Pokemon Flora Sky
44648 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Santa Claus Jr. Advance
5294 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Pokemon Adventure Red
80387 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Rocket Power - Beach Bandits
10778 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Ninja Five-0
7449 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Zone of the Enders - The Fist of Mars
5510 Plays
Mucha Lucha! - Mascaritas of the Lost Code
6428 Plays
Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures
5343 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Earthworm Jim
7471 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Kim Possible - Revenge of Monkey Fist
9662 Plays
Kong - King of Atlantis
5580 Plays
Game Boy Advance