NHL '94
34793 Plays
Sega Genesis
T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
11204 Plays
5744 Plays
Sega Genesis
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
24539 Plays
Steven Gerrard's Total Soccer 2002
7402 Plays
Star Wars - Episode II - Attack of the Clones
16250 Plays
Football Fury
4323 Plays
Nintendo Super NES
Pokemon Uranium
133259 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Revolution X
6369 Plays
Sega Genesis
5030 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Shrike Avenger
3503 Plays
MAME - Arcade
Rise of the Phoenix
5803 Plays
Nintendo Super NES
Madden NFL 06
14113 Plays
Game Boy Advance
Death Duel
3350 Plays
Sega Genesis
8011 Plays
Sega Genesis
Lotus II
6879 Plays
Sega Genesis
Super Glove Ball
7373 Plays
Nintendo NES
Terra Cresta
8517 Plays
Nintendo NES
Super R.B.I. Baseball
6465 Plays
Nintendo Super NES
Pokemon Flora Sky
44628 Plays
Game Boy Advance
6181 Plays
Sega Genesis
Resident Evil
63874 Plays
Sony PlayStation
Domino Man
3994 Plays
MAME - Arcade
Ys - The Vanished Omens
7785 Plays
Sega Master System
Dezaemon 3D
2241 Plays
Nintendo 64
Order of the Griffon
6069 Plays
NEC TurboGrafx 16
Pandemonium ! 2
9189 Plays
Sony PlayStation
Street Fighter Collection
61716 Plays
Sony PlayStation
Side Pocket
7395 Plays
Sega Game Gear
Gley Lancer
5517 Plays
Sega Genesis
Counter Run
2873 Plays
MAME - Arcade
Chester Cheetah
6258 Plays
Sega Genesis
WWF - War Zone
9546 Plays
Nintendo 64
Gauntlet 4
5316 Plays
Sega Genesis
5678 Plays
Sony PlayStation

Most Played Retro Games

Super Mario Bros. 3
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Nintendo NES
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Nintendo Super NES
Super Mario Bros.
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Nintendo NES
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
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Nintendo Super NES
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
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Sega Genesis
The Legend Of Zelda
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Nintendo Super NES
Super Mario Kart
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Nintendo Super NES
Pokemon Glazed
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Game Boy Advance
Super Mario Bros. 2
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Pokemon X & Y
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Game Boy Advance
Marvel Vs. Capcom : Clash of Super Heroes
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Sega Genesis
Sonic Classic Heroes
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Sega Genesis
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Heroes
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Mega Man
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Kirby's Adventure
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Nintendo NES
Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World
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The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past
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Retro Games

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