The mythical Planet X is a distant planet containing the laboratory of the beautiful Dr. Sarah Bellum! the planet is invaded by dodgy aliens called Reptilons, who kidnap the doctor and force her to create an army of robots to invade Earth! In the awesome Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters you must infiltrate the doctor's lab and battle through the evil aliens and powerful robots to stop their plans and save the hot doctor.
If that was your kind of all-out crazy gaming and you'd love to take a pop at more cool titles from this excellently crafted style of game then Diablo, Kagero - Deception II and the badass Duke Nukem - Time to Kill will be right up your street!
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, shooting, and was added on Jan 24, 2015. It has been played 5590 times and is available for the following systems: mame / mame / Mame - Original Arcade You can also play Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters unblocked.