Set in a post-apocalyptic future littered with the ruins of human civilization's greatest triumphs, Bay Route is an epic battle against a strange and deadly foe. Take your hero commando Tom on a mission to infiltrate an enemy airstrip and escape to the embassy! Arm yourself and get ready to blast the hell out of everything you see as you gun down terrorists, robots and plenty of other crazy enemies in the amazing Bay Route.
If you like your gaming with a heavy diose of action then you'll definitely want to try more greats from this genre like Diablo, Kagero - Deception II and the intensely cool Duke Nukem - Time to Kill!
Bay Route is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, adventure, shooting, and was added on Jan 27, 2015. It has been played 3145 times and is available for the following systems: mame / mame / Mame - Original Arcade You can also play Bay Route unblocked.