Become a pirate captain and command your very own pirate ship, armed to the teeth with powerful guns and swashbuckling fighters! Sail the seven seas hunting down, tracking and sinking enemy boats and conquering new lands until you have booty like never before! Lay waste to fleets of ships, towns and much more as you wage war in the name of treasure and untold riches! Arch, let the guns roar while you and your hearties pillage till your gills are filled!
More totally awesome action packed adventures can be found in other popular gaming titles from this genre, such as Mega Man X4, Driver - You Are the Wheelman and the badass Spider-Man!
Shipwreckers ! is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, adventure, and was added on Feb 13, 2015. It has been played 8419 times and is available for the following systems: Sony PlayStation You can also play Shipwreckers ! unblocked.