In the distant year 2090 the Earth has become the target of a race of evil aliens called the Cranassians. In an effort to defend the planet from these evil beasts the World Alliance Military uses a captured alien craft to develop and build a supersonic fighter jet called Raiden Supersonic Attack Fighter. You must take this craft to the skies and defend the planet by blasting the hell out of the hordes of alien fighters in the 8 progressively difficult levels.
Thunder and lightening fans out there can rest assured that we have more Raiden action for you, such as Raiden Trad, Kishin Douji Zenki - Batoru Raiden and the incredible Raiden! If you're simply looking for more excellent gaming from this console then why not swing on over to explore the list of cool Atari Lynx titles.
Raiden is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: flying, shooting, and was added on Jan 30, 2015. It has been played 7346 times and is available for the following systems: Atari Lynx You can also play Raiden unblocked.