A once-powerful and prosperous civilization blossomed on the planet of Mars, but this has long since faded from memory with only a special INFINITY chip lost on the planet left as evidence. Humans have once again returned to the Red Planet and an evil faction has discovered the chip and are preparing to fight planet Earth! You must become a fighter pilot and fly an amazing ship called the Mosquito and take the fight to the Martian rebels, blasting them to pieces.
More great gaming titles that you'll definitely enjoy are Dragon Spirit: The New Legend, G-Darius and the brilliant Ace Combat 2. For more awesome titles available on PRG from this unbelievably retro system can be found in the extensive Capcom CPS 2 section of the site.
Mars Matrix is an online retro game which you can play for free here at playretrogames.com It has the tags: flying, shooting, skill, and was added on Jan 28, 2015. It has been played 15245 times and is available for the following systems: prgcc2 / prgcc2 / Capcom CPS 2 You can also play Mars Matrix unblocked.