In the future Tokyo has reached its maximum capacity and overpopulation is rife, with criminality spreading. Because of this Tokyo 2 was created, a small manmade island off the coast, funded by the Yaksa group and run by Garra Ono reportedly a Yakusa frontman. There are an increasing number of ESP people around that can use their powers to control other, but unbeknownst to everyone garra herself is a super powerful ESPer. You must fly through the skies of Tokyo and use your incredible powers to blast through the hordes of gangsters and other ESPers to hunt down and defeat garr!
If you enjoyed that incredibly cool classic and would love to hit more greats then try Diablo, Duke Nukem - Time to Kill and the fantastic Star Gladiator - Episode 1 - Final Crusade!
ESP Ra.De. is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, shooting, and was added on Feb 04, 2015. It has been played 6463 times and is available for the following systems: prgcoa / prgcoa / Coin Op Arcade You can also play ESP Ra.De. unblocked.