Despite seemingly falling to his death in the previous installment of this series Geese Howard is back and has once again organised an incredibly cool fighting tournament to test the mettle of the best fighter in the world. In the amazing Real Bout Fatal Fury you start by selecting your preferred character and then taking to the tournament to master your moves and defeat the evil Geeses once and for all!
Other greats SNK Neo Geo can be found in the awesome archives. if you're more interested in looking at other intensely cool fighting classics from this series then Real Bout Fatal Fury Special and Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 are the games for you!
Real Bout Fatal Fury is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, fighting, and was added on Feb 05, 2015. It has been played 14663 times and is available for the following systems: neo-geo / bin / SNK Neo Geo You can also play Real Bout Fatal Fury unblocked.