Set in a strangely familiar future where Tokyo has been ravaged by a terrorist and criminal element that has ripped society apart, the police Commander Masanao Daigo creates a special 'Metal Unit' to combat the rising crime and regain the streets! In the amazing Armored Police Metal Jack you must take control of a mechanized police office and hit the streets to take on the might of the gangs and rid the city streets of their horrible ways!
If you are looking to get into other incredibly cool and fun titles with a similar feel then you'll want to strike at more greats, such as Ring King, WWF Superstars and the brilliant Wonder Boy in Monster Land!
Armored Police Metal Jack is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, fighting, and was added on Jan 28, 2015. It has been played 4550 times and is available for the following systems: snes / sfc / Nintendo Super NES You can also play Armored Police Metal Jack unblocked.