In the first installment of this classic Geese Howard was defeated and killed, but now the King of Fighters tournament has been revived by an unknown fighter and open to fighters from all over the world! You must enter the tournament and beat the increasingly powerful warriors until you find out the identity of the mysterious fighter and defeat him also! In the brilliant Fatal Fury 2 you must master the arts of fighting and wipe out all opponents!
Fatal Fury fans out there that enjoyed this great but would like to play others from this awesome series of epic games will want to check out Fatal Fury, Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout Fatal Fury Special and the intense Real Bout Fatal Fury!
Fatal Fury 2 is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, fighting, and was added on Feb 14, 2015. It has been played 21396 times and is available for the following systems: sega / md / Sega Genesis You can also play Fatal Fury 2 unblocked.