In the futuristic year of 2101 an alien cyborg races called CATS makes an agreement with the humans of the United Nations, but this peace is soon shattered as the CATS invade and conquer the japanese space colonies! You must take to the skies and eventually space to fly your incredible Zero Wing spaceship deep into the enemy defences and blast the living hell out of the cyborgs to save the planet!
Budding pilots looking for more gaming with flying at the center will definitely want to try other epics, such as Prehistoric Isle in 1930, R-Type and the amazing Flying Shark. More awesome gaming from this epic system though is waiting for you in the Sega Genesis section!
Zero Wing is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: flying, shooting, and was added on Jan 29, 2015. It has been played 7378 times and is available for the following systems: sega / md / Sega Genesis You can also play Zero Wing unblocked.