After rescuing the powerful General Kawasaki in the previous installment, Paul and Vince to their home country. On their way home a weird storm starts and propels them 1,000 years into the future where an alien race greets them to let them know that the evil Zang Zip has taken over their lands! Help your heroes battle through this strange futuristic land, laying waste to the evil Zang Zip and his minions to save the world in the amazing Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road!
Huge Nintendo NES fans out there that loved this briliant Nintendo NES title there are loads more to try from this excellent genre, such as Ring King, Gladiator and the also futuristic Star Trek!
Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, shooting, and was added on Feb 13, 2015. It has been played 11065 times and is available for the following systems: nes / nes / Nintendo NES You can also play Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road unblocked.