Held once a year an incredible fighting tournament known as the Great Grapple is an intensely cool and tough exercise in fighting. Organized by a mysterious dude known only as "K" who is an undisputed champion of the ring the prize is big! In the amazing Fighter's History you must select your warrior and then hit the ring to take on all types crazy and wild challengers to see who can win! Learn your opponent's weak spot to be in with a better chance of victory!
More excellence from this amazing system can be found in the Nintendo Super NES list of greats. if you're just looking to try out more cool titles from this action packed and deadly genre then have a go at Ring King, Gladiator plus the brilliant Dragon Buster!
Fighter's History is an online retro game which you can play for free here at playretrogames.com It has the tags: action, fighting, and was added on Feb 05, 2015. It has been played 7590 times and is available for the following systems: snes / sfc / Nintendo Super NES You can also play Fighter's History unblocked.