Set in the distant Han Dynasty in ancient China the many warring factions of the country, including Shu Han, Cao Wei and Eastern Wu kingdoms are all fighting for supremacy to conquer the entire country to unify it. You must put your strategic mind to the test by making moves to tactically expand your lands and kingdom by waiting until your numbers are just right and then launching an attack on neighbouring lands to expand and conquer in the amazing Romance of the Three Kingdoms!
In this amazingly cool Nintendo NES title there are lots of strategic decisions to make and if you enjoy that and would like to make more then try out Romance of the Three Kingdoms III - Dragon of Destiny, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV - Wall of Fire and the badass Romance of the Three Kingdoms II!
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: strategy, skill, and was added on Feb 01, 2015. It has been played 16932 times and is available for the following systems: nes / nes / Nintendo NES You can also play Romance of the Three Kingdoms unblocked.